Contact information

Address, contacts, map. On this page you will find everything you need to contact us. Which is the easiest way? Use the contact form. Write to us your wishes, inquires, comments or suggestions. We will respond to each message. Mostly immediately, but never later than the following working day.

Geodeticka kancelar Nedoma & Reznik, s.r.o.

Plukovnika Mraze 1425/1
102 00 Prague 10 – Hostivar (map)
Czech Republic
50°2’59.26″N 14°32’36.74″E
ID: 26695103, VAT ID: CZ26695103



+420 271 725 374   |   +420 271 723 271   |   +420 271 723 272

Operating hours:

Monday – Friday  |7:15 AM – 3:30 PM

Connection by public transport:

Bus 125, 154, 183 – Gercenova stop or Tram 22, 26 – Nadrazi Hostivar stop and one stop by Bus 125, 154, 183


You can park directly in the neighbouring Tenisova Street or in a company car park at the intersection of Tenisova Street and U Dvojdomu Street, located about 100 m from the office.

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